Sports club is OPEN every day 6 AM to 11 PM and water center 6 AM to 10 PM.

Swimming courses for children

  • For beginners
    and advanced swimmers

Registration to the season 2024/25 children's swimming courses

Swimming courses rainings takes place in Reval-Sports water center.

Our swimming courses program is developed on the basis of the book “Learn to swim” by Rein Haljandi.

  • The goal for the beginners group is to learn to swim: face underwater, head underwater, diving to the bottom, floating underwater, floating on the surface, keeping balance, jumping into the water.
  • When choosing the advanced group, we ask the parent to take into consideration the program of our swimming courses. When registering for the advanced group, a child aged 5-6 must meet LEVEL 1 and for ages 6+ LEVEL 2.
  • The aim of the group of hobbyists is to keep children and adolescnets in regular exercise. The group is intended for children who have passed the advanced group and want to further develop their abilities. The minimum requirement is the ability to crawl and backstroke.

Before coming to the courses, please familiarize yourself with the parent’s reminder.

The groups in the 2024/2025 season are:

AegGruppTreenerGrupi suurus
E,K 15.15-16.00 (25 m bassein)U1 algõpe (7-9.a.)Martin Siller12/15 Product relation not set!


E 16.30-17.15 (25m bassein)U2 algõpe (7-9.a.)1xnädalasNikita TšerednitšenkoTäitunud
E,K 17.00-17.45.U3 ettevalmistus grupp (7-9.a.)Martin Siller10/13 Product relation not set!


E 17.15-18.00 (sport bassein)U4 algõpe (4-5.a.) 1x nädalasKristina Maria Jaamul14/15 Product relation not set!


E,K 18.00-18.45 (sport bassein)U5 edasijõudnud (5-6.a.)Kristina Maria JaamulTäitunud
E,K 18.45-19.30 (sport bassein)U6 algõpe (5-6.a.)Kristina Maria JaamulTäitunud
E,K 18.30-19.30 (25m bassein)U7 harrastajad (10-14.a.)Martin Siller11/13 Product relation not set!


K 16.30-17.15 (25m bassein)U8 edasijõudnud (7-9.a.)Nikita Tšerednitšenko12/15 Product relation not set!


K 17.15-18.00 (sport bassein)U9 algõpe (4-5.a.)1x nädalasKristina Maria JaamulTäitunud
T,N 15.00-15.45 (25m bassein)U10 edasijõudnud (7-8.a.)Martin Siller9/15 Product relation not set!


T,N 15.45-16.30 (25m bassein)U11 edasijõudnud (8-9.a.)Martin SillerTäitunud
T,R 16.30-17.15 (25m bassein)U12 harrastajad (10-14.a.)Martin Siller14/15 Product relation not set!


T 17.15-18.00 (Huggies bassein)U13 edasijõudnud (5-6.a.) 1xnädalasMartin Siller11/15 Product relation not set!


T,N 18.00-18.45 (25m bassein)U15 edasijõudnud (5-6.a.)Martin Siller11/13 Product relation not set!


T 18.00-18.45 (sport bassein)U16 algõpe (5-6.a.) 1x nädalasNikita TšerednitšenkoTäitunud
T,N 18.45-19.45 (25m bassein)U17 edasijõudnud (13-16.a.)Nikita Tšerednitšenko12/13 Product relation not set!


N 16.30-17.15 (25m bassein)U18 algõpe (7-9.a.) 1x nädalasMartin Siller14/15 Product relation not set!


N 18.00-18.45 (sport basseinU19 algõpe (4-5.a.) 1x nädalasNikita Tšerednitšenko14/15 Product relation not set!


R 17.30-18.15 (sport bassein)U20 algõpe/harrastajad (4-6.a.) 1x nädalasNikita TšerednitšenkoTäitunud
R 18.15-19.00 (25m bassein)U21 harrastajad (7-10.a) 1x nädalasNikita Tšerednitšenko14/15 Product relation not set!


E,K 16.00-17.00; R 15.30-16.30; ÜKE 14.45-15.30 (25m bassein)UV1 võistlus (8-11.a.)Martin Siller7/10


For questions or to get information about groups, please write to our head swimming coach: Martin Siller

* A child can only be registered in one specific training group.


Registration instructions:

If your child is a member of the previous season and you, as a parent, are a member of our club, you must log in with a CHILD account. If your child is a member of the previous season, but you, as a parent, are not a member of our club, you must also log in with a CHILD ACCOUNT.

  1. Choose the desired group from the table below.
  2. Enter the child’s data (First name, last name, personal identification number).
  3. Choose the group where you want to enroll your child. Continue to pay.
  4. If you are logged in, the payer’s information is already pre-filled. If you are not a club member, enter your details, i.e. the payer’s details.
  5. After payment, the contract is generated. PS, the process will take some time. Only signing a contract guarantees a place on the courses!
  6. After the contract is generated, a confirmation form is displayed with the order details. To digitally sign the contract (with an ID card or Mobile ID), click on the “Sign the contract” button.
  7. The “My Account” page opens, where you can see your current contracts. Select “Sign the contract”.
  8. A digital contract opens. Enter your mobile number or ID card in the reader and add a signature. After signing, the DigiDOC container opens with the signatures of the parties. You can also download the contract if you wish.


Membership fees for season 2023/2024 are:

Seasonal swimming course 2 times a week (September-May) 65€/month
Seasonal competition group 3 times a week + ÜKE 79€/month
Seasonal swimming course 1 time a week (September-May) 45€/month
Joining fee (payed once) 7€

20€ of the membership fee is the seat fee.

You can see a sample contract for children’s swimming courses HERE.

  • Trainings do not take place on national holidays! Trainings are taking place during school holidays (except 23.12.2024-05.01.2025).
  • Courses take place during nine-month season from September to May. Membership fees are for one student per month and are established by taking into account sport support from Tallinn’s city government, school holidays and national holidays.
  • Monthly payments due date will be written in the contract.
  • Membership fees have been established per student per month already taking into account capitation, holidays and school holidays. Head allowances can be confirmed from 1.10.2023 to 30.11.2024. If the parent does not confirm the child’s head allowance to SK Reval-Sport, the child’s membership fee will increase by the amount of the head allowance.
  • Contract can be terminated with 2 months’ notice.
  • In case of absence from studies due to illness (parental certificate required) during the whole month, the student is released from the obligation to pay the membership fee for the calendar month, but the place fee specified in the price list, which is 20€/month, must still be paid.
  • Reval-Sport sports club holds a training license. According to that you are entitled for a tax credit.


Child + parent package

Use your time wisely! While your child is swimming, you are welcome to train in our gym, water park or taking part in our group trainings.

Child + parent’s monthly card49€


Monthly card for parents provides the opportunity to take part in all group trainings, use gym and water park every day.

Parents monthly card can be purchased only from 1th of September to 30th of September 2024 on the spot. Free parking on our sports club parking lots will be assured only with child + parent package. Parking with child’s swimming course membership only is for additional fee. Sample contract can be found HERE


Martin Siller

Nikita Tšerednitšenko

+372 5553 2538

Elena Kristin Käen

Kristina Maria Jaamul