Booking guidelines
Reservations are required for group trainings. It is possible to book five trainings together and per day maximum two trainings.
To keep booking system simple we have different opportunities to do that.
Where you can book?
1. online
2. by phone
3. in the club
Please note that reservations can´t be made if there is less than one hour until training!
Online booking
Online bookings are made in the loyal customer environment on our website- In the right side of the upper part is seen the fields to log in. Username for the login is the number on the card, and password is the users name with the small letters. Then click login.
To book your place to group training, please choose the schedule page.
If you have found the training, please click on the name of it and later “book the training.”
Please be sure that you are on the correct date!
By phone
To book trainings by phone, please call 6412 068. Let the administrator to know in which training and when you would like to participate. Administrator will tell you if there’re no free places, or you are booked in the training.
In the club
It is possible to book a place at the administration’s desk or in the information booth. Information booths are located at the entrance into the sports club. From the booth is possible to take tickets booked in our website.
If I can´t book?
If you can´t book training for some reasons and the training is fully booked, please note that all bookings that are made and have not taken out 7 minutes before training is canceled. And you have the opportunity to have place on the training without booking.
You booked training but did not participate?
If you have not come for the booked trainings at least twice in the week, you are not able to book trainings for the next two-week period. You can make reservations again after 14 days.
It does not mean that you will not be able to participate in the trainings, 2h before the training, you can ask tickets from administrators, or you can take them from the information booth (if there are places available).
Once the reservation has been done?
Once the reservation has been made, please be in the club at least 7 minutes before the training starts. Take the ticket from the information booth or ask from the administrator. Please take the ticket with you to the training and give it to the trainer.
You can cancel the reservation in the loyal customer environments and by phone. Call 6412068 and tell us your name and which training you would like to cancel.
On the website is possible to watch and cancel bookings under “your reservations.” The booking can be canceled no later than two hours before the training.
In case of additional questions, please contact the administration (tel. 6412068).